Yesterday I was reading some articles on React to learn more about good react coding patterns so that I can make my mobile app, which I am currently working on, fast and smooth. One of the coding tips I learnt is to avoid defining arrow functions and using bind in render function. Because see, render… Continue reading→
“Kirlian Photography reveals the energy emanating from seeds that demonstrates the presence of the life force in them.” When I read this line in the book I have been reading for few days – Foods that heal. It sounded really interesting to me, like what is Kirlian photography, how is it different than normal photography and… Continue reading→
Today I got familiar with Cory House’s writing about React, while I was reading an article written by him – React Binding Patterns: 5 Approaches for Handling `this`. I really liked the article, so I click on his name to find more articles and I found a tonne of knowledge on React, Javascript and a… Continue reading→
Lexertl is a header only library used to generator lexical analyzer. It is written by Ben Hanson and its official documentation is here. We have decided to use lexertl as lexer generator tool for our scadlexer of OpenSCAD. Although lexertl has a lot of good features, like, unicode support etc, as per the documentation, but… Continue reading→
For last few days, a topic is itching us and always come under great discussions with my friends and teachers that should we use tools, to generate lexers and parsers or write our own. As many large programming languages and softwares such as The Ruby programming language (YARV) The PHP programming language (Zend Parser) The… Continue reading→
Whenever we deal with a computer language, say making a compiler, translator, interpreter or converter. Our first requirement is some tool or engine that can read our code file and divide it into tokens such as identifiers, operators, etc. This is known as Lexical Analysis and is done by a program known as lexer. For… Continue reading→
Touching to one of today’s hot topics is simply fun. Big data is one of them. Why is it so important to know! What exactly it is! How is it useful! Curious to know? 🙂 Follow up.. Since beginning, it is always good to save your things for future. Have a look at the history,… Continue reading→
Hello, Today we will develop our own editor using QScintilla. I hope you must have downloaded and installed it, if not, refer my last post. Before start developing, you must be familiar with the QScintilla Documentation. Also the QScintilla folder you have downloaded has complete documentation. Being in QScintilla main folder, type $firefox doc/html-Qt4Qt5/index.html and… Continue reading→
QScintilla, What is this? QScintilla is a port to Qt of Neil Hodgson’s Scintilla C++ editor control. So QScintilla is a scintilla based editor that uses Qt functions to implement a good number of impressive features such as syntax highlighting, error indication, folding, code completion, breakpoints etc. QScintilla is available under the GNU GPL (v2… Continue reading→
The next task in my proposal for GSOC was integrating an Editor into OpenSCAD. This integration of Editor is necessary, as it was observed that many users prefer external editors like notepad++ etc over legacy editor of OpenSCAD. These editors facilitates them with functionality like auto code completion, brace completion, syntax highlighting etc. A discussion… Continue reading→