Yesterday I was reading some articles on React to learn more about good react coding patterns so that I can make my mobile app, which I am currently working on, fast and smooth. One of the coding tips I learnt is to avoid defining arrow functions and using bind in render function. Because see, render… Continue reading→
“Kirlian Photography reveals the energy emanating from seeds that demonstrates the presence of the life force in them.” When I read this line in the book I have been reading for few days – Foods that heal. It sounded really interesting to me, like what is Kirlian photography, how is it different than normal photography and… Continue reading→
Today I got familiar with Cory House’s writing about React, while I was reading an article written by him – React Binding Patterns: 5 Approaches for Handling `this`. I really liked the article, so I click on his name to find more articles and I found a tonne of knowledge on React, Javascript and a… Continue reading→