Have you ever read an article online? I’m sure you did. Was it instructed to read on mobile only? No, that’s your wish, right? You will decide, whether you want to view it or read its content on mobile, tablet or laptop. But have you ever wondered, how these websites fits everywhere? Today, we’ll get… Continue reading→
As the coding period started today, we (BRL-CAD GSOC students) got a mail from Sean to remind us about writing dev logs daily and other important things. Also I got the parcel having a beautiful diary with a printed GSOC’15 logo on it, a pen and a sticker. Such cute gifts always feel heavenly and… Continue reading→
Lexertl is a header only library used to generator lexical analyzer. It is written by Ben Hanson and its official documentation is here. We have decided to use lexertl as lexer generator tool for our scadlexer of OpenSCAD. Although lexertl has a lot of good features, like, unicode support etc, as per the documentation, but… Continue reading→
For last few days, a topic is itching us and always come under great discussions with my friends and teachers that should we use tools, to generate lexers and parsers or write our own. As many large programming languages and softwares such as The Ruby programming language (YARV) The PHP programming language (Zend Parser) The… Continue reading→
From where to start! 😛 It can take a life time, expressing how it feels when a Big dream of your life came true. 22 Oct, 2014 when our plane landed in San Francisco, US on the day of Diwali (a very important festival of Indian culture), after travelling thousands of miles from India, we… Continue reading→
Whenever we deal with a computer language, say making a compiler, translator, interpreter or converter. Our first requirement is some tool or engine that can read our code file and divide it into tokens such as identifiers, operators, etc. This is known as Lexical Analysis and is done by a program known as lexer. For… Continue reading→
Every thing has pros and cones, it’s better known by everyone. But how important is to know that which face of the coin is right for you is need to be educated. It was a generation which was forced on the name of superstition not to wash clothes on Thursday, instead of making them understand… Continue reading→
Touching to one of today’s hot topics is simply fun. Big data is one of them. Why is it so important to know! What exactly it is! How is it useful! Curious to know? 🙂 Follow up.. Since beginning, it is always good to save your things for future. Have a look at the history,… Continue reading→
As I mentioned in my previous posts about my GSOC project, I have been working to improve the UI of OpenSCAD, a 3D CAD Modeler. The project is aimed to enhance the usability of the software by adding new features that are easy and quick to access and use and also to provide the aesthetic… Continue reading→
Hello, Today we will develop our own editor using QScintilla. I hope you must have downloaded and installed it, if not, refer my last post. Before start developing, you must be familiar with the QScintilla Documentation. Also the QScintilla folder you have downloaded has complete documentation. Being in QScintilla main folder, type $firefox doc/html-Qt4Qt5/index.html and… Continue reading→