Need to accelerate

Today When I reached TCC, I had something in my mind that what should we do to edit Auth Widget, as I read about it last night, also did some experiments using WTemplate, but I was not successful to understand the working of WTemplate completely. But, when I reached TCC, Gaurav was working on Internal path ie setting different URLs for different widgets. I asked him its importance, so he told me that its important to address particular webpage and also to bookmark them. I felt that interesting and important too for our project. So I joined him doing that, and till the evening, we finally completed this task 🙂
Then our mentor came, We told him the status of our project and also asked him to help us, as it is a large scale project and we don’t have enough time to complete it with current speed, Some how we have to accelerate it.
After coming back to hostel, I continued with reading pointer and also tried to understand a program of pointer given to me by my mentor.

Finding light in dark night One problem over Second